Vendor Assess

Efficiently manage your vendors with our expert-driven Vendor Assess solution

Introducing Vendor Assess (TPRM)

Managing an extensive vendor list can be overwhelming. With SecurityPal’s Vendor Assess, leverage our experience from answering over ~2 million security questions, 87% of which come from Fortune 500 companies, to ensure your vendor's compliance and security.
Pre-Assessment to Standard & Enhanced Assessments
Detailed Reporting with actionable insights
Simplify complex third-party risk management
Vendor Assessment

Why Vendor Assess?

Unmatched Insights for Vendor Security

Vendor Assess by SecurityPal simplifies the complexities of vendor risk management, offering peace of mind and saving precious time and resources.
  • Initial, Standard, and Enhanced Assessments
  • Detailed, Insightful Reporting
Vendor assess screenshot

Benefits of
Vendor Assess

Empower your decision-making process with thorough assessments and insightful reports, streamlining your vendor risk management.
  • Streamline vendor risk assessment complexity
  • Save time and resources on vendor evaluations
  • Enhance decision-making with comprehensive reports

Making a Mark in the Industry

SecurityPal's Questionnaire Concierge has transformed the security review process for companies worldwide.
Hour Turnaround
~2 million
Questions Answered
Certified Analysts

How it works

Simplifying Your Questionnaire Process

Step 1

Submit your questionnaire through our secure platform.
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Step 2

Submit your questionnaire through our secure platform.
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Step 3

Submit your questionnaire through our secure platform.
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